9 thoughts on “LETTER: Council Candidates Respond to Concerned Watertown Homeowner’s Questions

  1. Mr. Labadini, I did not receive a letter regarding this. I continue to live at the same address as during the last election and have the same email address at which you were able to reach me during the last election. I do not know why you were not be able to reach me. My answers would be as follows: 1. Yes, but only with significant resident involvement in the process. 2. No. 3. No. I think a better option would be to provide additional recycling totes to those who need them. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Yes. 7. Yes.

    • Sounds like the Concerned Homeowners weren’t concerned enough to do their homework. If you can’t contact Michelle or spell Tony’s name correctly then I think that you don’t really have an investment in fairness.

  2. While I appreciate the opportunity to not only give a “yes” or no” but also to explain my answers, I am sincerely disappointed that the Watertown Concerned Homeowners Association could not spell my name correctly throughout the questionnaire. My name is spelled PALOMBA. In some places it is spelled POLOMBA and in others POLUMBA.

    I have been on the Town Council for ten years, my name has appeared on Town Council stationary since being elected. It is on the many orange yard signs throughout Town, it appears at the bottom of my emails, it is in my email address and on my email web site. There seems to be do excuse not to spell it correctly, let alone spell it incorrectly twice, in this questionnaire. It is disappointing and disrespectful.

    • Sincere apologizes Tony!! I meant no disrespect and it was my mistake, not anyone else from the Concerned Watertown Homeowners Association. Thank you for participating in our Q and A, and thanks for pointing this out to me. I’ll do my best to make certain it does’t happen again.


  3. Thank you to Michelle for answering these questions. This set of questions and the answers have been very helpful to me in determining who to vote for. I won’t vote for someone that thinks it’s OK to tell me what to do with my house in terms of solar panels, etc.

    Not too long ago a family member that is also on a city fire department talked to me about the dangers of solar panels in terms of a fire and how it can interfere with knocking down the fire faster. Solar panels should be a choice the homeowner makes and not one dictated by a Town Council Member decided she knew better than the homeowner as to what was more appropriate for their own home.

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