Watertown Police Chief Testified Before Congress

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Watertown Police Chief Edward Deveau holds up a Watertown Strong T-shirt soon after the capture of the bombing suspect.

Watertown Police Chief Edward Deveau holds up a Watertown Strong T-shirt soon after the capture of the bombing suspect.

Congress wanted to hear from someone with first hand experience dealing with a terrorist attack, so Watertown Police Chief Edward Deveau went to Washington Wednesday.

Deveau shared the lessons he and his department learned from the events of April 19, when officers faced off with the Boston Marathon Bombing suspects and ultimately caught the second suspect after a multi-hour manhunt.

When an event like the one faced in Watertown last year, Deveau told the House Homeland Security Committee, the local law enforcement needs to “have access to the table” with the terrorism task force and right away, according to an Associated Press. See the report on Houston Chronicle site by clicking here.

Deveau was joined by Watertown Police Sgt. Jeff Pugliese, who took part in the shootout with bombing suspects Tamerlan and Djokhar Tsarnaev. Former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis also testified.

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