Watertown Students Earn College Honors at Bates, Lasell, Wisconsin, Miami U., and MassBay; One Graduate

Dozens of Watertown students made the dean’s list and president’s list at Bates College, Lasell University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Miami University, and MassBay Community College. And a student graduated from Fort Hays State. Bates College

Lily Lambo of Watertown, Mass., was named to the dean’s list at Bates College for the fall semester ending in December 2024. This is a distinction earned by students whose grade point average is 3.92 or higher. Lambo is still considering a major at Bates.

Changes to School’s Extended Day Program But No Extra Seats; Plans for PreK & Preschool

The Watertown Public Schools Extended Day program has been so popular that it consistently has more applications than spots available. School officials said the number of spots will not be increased, but efforts will be made to try to prevent students being on the waitlist for more than one year. The School Committee heard updates on the Extended Day — the district’s after school program for children in grades K-5 — as well as the PreK and district’s Preschool programs at its Jan. 6 meeting. Debi Cornelius, Director of Community Education, said the Extended Day Program is full with 410 students, and officially has 35 students on the waitlist, including 14 at Hosmer, 15 at Lowell and 6 from the PreK program.

Student Leads Effort to Install Fridge at Watertown School to Save Unopened Items for Community Fridge

Third-grader Naomi Ward stands next to the fridge where food is saved after lunches at Lowell School and donated to the Watertown Community Fridge. She helped raise money to purchased the fridge. (Photo by Charlie Breitrose)

Thanks to the effort of an elementary school student, bags full of food from lunches at one Watertown school will be saved and made available to those who visit the Watertown Community Fridge. Setting up a program to collect the food and make it available to those who need it was a multi-year effort. Now third-grader Naomi Ward first got the idea of trying to save food from lunches at Lowell Elementary School when she was in first grade.

School Committee Update: Teacher Honored, Field Hockey Team Recognized, Enrollment Rising

Watertown’s State Champion Field Hockey Team was honored by the School Committee. (Courtesy of Watertown Field Hockey)

Watertown School Committee Chair Kendra Foley provided a round up of the most recent School Committee meeting. See what happened below. There has been much to celebrate over the last month at our Watertown School Committee meetings. We were thrilled to honor Cunniff music teacher Liz Schorr, who was recently chosen as the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress Educator of the Year.

Watertown Students Earn Honors at RPI, SNHU and Mass College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

Students from Watertown received honors from Renselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), and from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS). RPI

On October 30, Allison Fitzpatrick of Watertown, MA, was among the 210 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute seniors inducted into the Order of the Engineer, a national organization dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards for the engineering profession. In addition to taking the Order of the Engineer pledge, each inductee received a stainless-steel ring to be worn on the little finger of their dominant hand. The rings represent each student’s daily commitment to serving humanity through engineering. These students will follow in the footsteps of RPI graduates who, since 1824, have applied technology and innovation to solving the world’s toughest problems.

Founded in 1824 for the application of science to the common purposes of life, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is the first technological research university in the United States.

Wicked Bagel Hosting Fundraiser for WPS Diversity & Belonging Councils

This weekend, Wicked Bagel will host a fundraiser for the Watertown Public Schools Diversity and Belonging Councils. The fundraiser will take place on Saturday, Nov. 16, from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. For each half dozen bagels purchased at regular price Wicked bagel is donating 50 percent of the sale to the councils. Customers only need to mention the fundraiser at checkout. Watertown’s three elementary schools — Cunniff, Lowell and Hosmer — and Watertown Middle School have their own Diversity & Belonging Council (DBC).