Charlie Breitrose
A road after being milled and prepared for overlay of new asphalt.
(NOTE: The list of roads to be repaired in the summer of 2014 has been changed. See the new list by clicking here.)
The Town Council has plans to repair a number of roads over the summer, see if your street made the list.
The Fiscal 2015 budget, which will be approved on June 10, includes a capital improvement plan that calls for the repair of 12 streets, and money for smaller repairs around town.
The streets due to be repaired are:
- Fifield Street from Irving Street to Perkins School
- Avon Road from the Belmont line to the dead end
- Alden Road from the Belmont line to the dead end
- Salisbury Road from Maplewood Street to Edgecliffe Road
- Priest Road from Charles River Road to Riverside Street
- Loomis Avenue from Orchard Street to Downey Street
- Duff Street from Madison Avenue to Belmont Street
- Barnard Avenue from Columbia Street to Bellevue Road
- Lincoln Street from Mount Auburn Street to Spruce Street and the section extending to Walnut Street
- Dexter Avenue from Willow Park to Mount Auburn Street
- Katherine Road from Common Street to Church Street
- Cushman Street from Oak Place to Fayette Street
Work on Salisbury, Loomis, Duff and Barnard from Columbia Street to Orchard Street will be repaired using the mill and overlay method, which scrapes down the top layer or layers of asphalt and then lays down a new layer.
The other work will involve full reclamation of the road – in which the roadway is totally replaced.