Dedicated Watertown Resident Retires After 35 Years

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For 35 years E. Joyce Munger has served on the Watertown Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners, and this week she said farewell at the apartment complex bearing her name.

While Munger dedicated her time to the Housing Authority, she could be seen at many events through the years, said Town Manager Michael Driscoll at Tuesday’s Town Council meeting.

He first met her when she got him to be a judge at the 1978 Fourth of July Miss Watertown Pageant. She has also been a volunteer election poll worker, she served on the town’s 350th and 375th Anniversary Committees, ran the Wedding Faire and Fashion Shows at the Commander’s Mansion and helped organize Watertown’s 9/11 Remembrance ceremonies.

At the ceremony, held at the E. Joyce Munger Apartments on Warren Street, Munger said her goodbyes.

“It is with pride and sadness I am giving notice of resignation to the Watertown Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. I have survived 35 years. Our dedicated staff and many board members have helped develop our properties as one of the top in the state and have been a wonderful part of my life,” Munger said.

Driscoll said Munger will be missed.

“Thank you, Mrs. E. Joyce Munger for your service to this community,” Driscoll said. “You worked tirelessly for the citizens of Watertown to provide the highest level of services for the community and improve the quality of life for all. The town is a better place due to your efforts.”

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