Watertown School Budget on Tap This Week

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On Tuesday, Watertown school officials will make their case to the Town Council for their Fiscal 2015 budget request.

The School Committee and school administrators will present their budget at the Budget Hearing on Tuesday at 6 p.m. at Town Hall. Their budget will be heard after the Water/Sewer Enterprise.

There is a significant gap between the request from the Schools, which asked for a $6 million, 16 percent increase. While the Town Manager’s budget includes a $2.26 million, 6 percent increase.

The School Committee meets on Monday night at 7 p.m., and the agenda includes a report from the Budget and Finance Subcommittee.

See more information on the School Budget by clicking the story titles below:

Town Budget Includes Increase for Schools, See How Much

Watertown Class Sizes May Not Shrink Under Proposed Budget

Funding Retirement System Will Save Money Later, Won’t Help Schools Now

Letter: Town Council Should Adopt Town Manager’s School Budget

LETTER: Final Push for the Watertown School Budget

LETTER: Parent Urges Officials to Prioritize Keeping Class Sizes Low

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