Watertown State Reps Pushing for Extra Special Education Funds

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With Watertown facing higher than expected special education costs during the 2013-14 school year, the town’s State House delegation is asking for extra dollars from the state.

State Rep. John Lawn said he is trying to get more money from the state budget, and have asked for $250,000 on the House side.

“Jon Hecht and I are working on special education. Our costs are higher than other communities,” Lawn said.

Meanwhile, State Sen. Will Brownsberger has requested an additional $100,000 in the Senate budget for a total of $350,000. The funding is now in conference committees, Lawn said.

Town Council President Mark Sideris has been following “the Watertown bill,” but said he it is far from a done deal.

Watertown has seen an unusual growth in special education costs, which have required funds to be moved from the general education funds to cover the difference, said Superintendent Jean Fitzgerald. (Find out more here).

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