Charlie Breitrose
A Watertown Police car blocked off Winter Street at Church Street to keep people away from the scene of a suspected meth lab.
A Watertown man was arrested Friday for running what authorities said is a small meth lab in his home on Winter Street.
Watertown Police, Drug Enforcement agents hazardous materials teams and firefighters gathered around white house on Winter Street near the parking lot of the Watertown Free Public Library where the evidence of the drug making was found on Friday.
Neighbors smelled a strange odor coming from the house on Winter Street at the corner of Whooley Way and police decided to get a warrant when the landlord saw something suspicious, said Watertown Police Lt. Michael Lawn, according to WBZ-TV.
While police were obtaining the warrant the resident of the house arrived and tried to push through police to get to the house. Police arrested 31-year-old Kyle Tuschall, on a charge of assault and battery on a police officer. Drug charges will likely be added later, Lawn said, according to a report on NECN.com.
Friday evening, a tarp lay on the ground with various items on it that were pulled from the two-family house. Police suspect the meth lab was a small one, which turned powdered methamphetamine into the ice form, Lawn said during a press conference.
The action began mid-afternoon, said Rob Scudder, a Watertown resident and member of Watertown Cable’s Watertown Weekly News team.
“My wife was over at the library and said there is something going on,” Scudder said. “Its been a while since we had all the news trucks in town.”
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Charlie Breitrose
Evidence lies on a tarp outside the house on Winter Street where a suspected meth lab was found.
The location is 10 winter street — not 43. Sorry to those who live at 43 winter street. I’m sure you’re not cooking meth…