Council Considering Options for Arsenal Street Moratorium

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The Town Council voted to have a public hearing to consider how to approach a citizens petition asking for a moratorium on development on Arsenal Street.

Wednesday night the Council heard from the petitioners, who want to put a hold on new large projects on Arsenal Street. The petition was started after some large projects have been proposed, and others appear to be in the pipeline.

The Council will likely decide how to proceed with a moratorium at the meeting on July 22 at 6 p.m. in Town Hall.

“Its not only time sensitive because of the petition, but also something being brought forward with all the things (projects being brought),” said Town Council President Mark Sideris.

At the meeting the Council will hold a public hearing to decide how to handle the petition. The Council could go a few ways, said Councilor Vincent Piccirilli:

  • Take no action after hearing
  • Refer the issue to the Rules and Ordinances subcommittee
  • Send to the Planning Department for more study and to come up with a recommendation for the Council, or
  • Refer the issue to the Planning Board for potential zoning changes to allow for a moratorium

If a moratorium is put into place, it may not be in time to stop all project proposals, Sideris said.

“It all depends on a number of things. Right now it would apply to everything because (no projects are) in final permitting stages,” Sideris said. “That’s why it is kind of time sensitive. If the Council decides there should be a moratorium, some things being presented and that could be presented will be effected.”

The 202-204 Arsenal Street project – which includes a large residential building, a market and a restaurant – just needs approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals and is on the July 16 agenda. The state zoning laws require zoning to be posted and heard by the Planning Board and Town Council.

“Based on those timelines it is highly unlikely this could apply to 202 Arsenal Street,” Piccirlli said.

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