See What Watertown High School Seniors Thought About Their Education

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School officials surveyed graduating seniors at Watertown High School to find out how they felt about their education experience in the Watertown Public Schools.

The survey helped school officials measure one of the district goals – self actualization. The definition being used by the district is “The realization or fulfillment of one’s talents, potentialities, esp. considered as a drive or need present in everyone.”

Last year, a subcommittee decided to give the survey to have a way to measure whether the district is meeting the goal. The survey also asked about their academic interests and goals and outside interests.

Most seniors said they were able to achieve high academic standards and are equipped for their next step in life. They had a wide range of favorite subjects, but math and science had the most interest.

Athletics were the most popular outside the school day activity, and two-thirds of the students say they will continue to do community service after having participated in it for a graduation requirement.

The school will follow up in the future with the seniors to see how they are faring in their education, career and more.

The survey was taken by 139 WHS seniors (out of 175 graduates), and it found the following results:

1) Do you feel you were given the opportunity to achieve high academic standards?

Yes 108 students,  78% of those surveyed

No 6, 4%

Somewhat 25, 16%

2) As you prepare to graduate from Watertown High School, do you believe that you are equipped to enter the next stage of your life?

Yes 108, 76%

No 9,  6%

Maybe 24, 17%

3) Do you feel that Watertown High School has helped prepare you to be a good citizen, both globally and locally?

Absolutely 49,  35%

Somewhat 83, 60%

Maybe 3, 2%

No 4, 3%

4) If you need to learn more about a subject on your own, how would you do it?

Go to the Library 37, 21%

Look it up on the internet 104, 59%

Try to find it in a book 14, 8%

Call an expert 18, 10%

I would not know where to start to learn about a subject 2, 1%

5) Is there a particular field of learning that you are passionate about?

Science 17, 12%

Health 17, 12%

Math 26, 19%

English 11, 8%

Social Studies 7, 5%

Engineering 11, 8%

Art 3, 2%

Music 6, 4%

Technology 4, 3%

Photography/Videography 3, 2%

Woodworking 5, 4%

Child Development 6, 4%

none 7, 5%

Other 16, 12%

6) Do you feel your post high school plans have set you on the path to pursue that interest?

Yes 89, 66%

Somewhat 39, 29%

No 7, 5%

7) In high school did you develop special interests outside of school like hobbies, athletics or the arts?

Hobbies 45, 34%

Athletics 73, 54%

Arts 13, 10%

Other 3, 2%

8) Will you be pursuing these in the future?

Yes 84, 61%

No 23, 17%

Maybe 30, 22%

9) Before graduation, you were required to do hours of community service. Is this something you will continue to do in the future?

Yes 90, 66%

Maybe 39, 28%

No 8, 6%


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