Cresset Grove LLC
A drawing showing landscaping for the potential project at 65 Grove Street, with a new four-story garage and a smaller office building than currently exists.
Developers have submitted preliminary plans to knock down part of an office building on Grove Street and replace it with a four-story garage.
Cresset Grove LLC submitted the plans to the Watertown Community Development and Planning Department for the 65 Grove Street property. About 31,500 sq. ft. of the building will be turned into the garage, leaving a 116,500 sq. ft. office building. The building would also undergo changes (see renderings of the preliminary proposed project here).
The proposed garage would be just over 35 feet high, but the property sits in a bowl, and the garage will be lower than the existing building, according to the submitted plan.
Plans call for adding more landscaping to the site. Right now the site has minimal landscaping, according to the submitted proposal, but trees, shrubs and grasses will be planted as a buffer for homes on Crawford Street (located behind the property) and the Atrium School which is next to the site..
Drainage on the site will be improved by adding a rain garden, a storm water infiltration system and permeable pavers. More information about the potential project can be found by clicking here.
The property currently is vacant and used to be a GE Water and Process Technologies facility. The facility closed in 2009 and moved operations to Minnesota, according to a Watertown Tab story.
In 2010, the company submitted a Notice of Intent to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to remediate polluted soil and ground water on the property and discharge the treated water into nearby Sawins Pond (see the notice here).