Watertown Family Robbed at Gun Point by 2 Masked Men

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Watertown Police Cruiser

Two men robbed a family at gunpoint, forcing themselves into their home and demanded they give them money.

On Sept. 21, shortly after midnight, a couple and their young child parked in the garage at 170 Main Street. As they got into the elevator and the doors were closing a man stuck his hand inside to make the doors open and pointed a gun at them, according to Watertown Police Lt. Michael Lawn.

“Two individuals dressed all in black with black masks made take them up to their apartment,” Lawn said. “They demanded money.”

The suspects held the family in the apartment for 30-40 minutes and then the men fled the area, Lawn said.

Police seek any information about the incident. The suspects may have been seen in the parking lot of the St. Patrick’s Church and Rectory, which is located behind the apartment building. They were likely there from around 11 p.m. to midnight, Lawn said.

Watertown Police can be contacted at 617-972-6500.

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