East End Residents Create Survey on Development in the Area

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Some significant developments have been proposed in East Watertown, and some area residents are interested in what people think about the projects.

Developers seek to build a CVS/Pharmacy at the corner of Arlington and Mt. Auburn streets at the site of a gas station and the Elks Club (see more here).

Another project has been proposed at the former GE Ionics site on Grove Street where an office building will be renovated and a multi-story garage is proposed (read more here).

Both projects are on the agenda for the Nov. 10 Planning Board meeting, at 7 p.m. in Town Hall.

Two East End residents have created an online survey to find out what people think about the projects proposed for the Coolidge Square and East End area.

“Janet Jameson and Deborah Peterson are interested in your thoughts and reactions and have created a quick 10 question survey. it’s easy, just click on the link and fill it out!” the pair wrote in an announcement for the survey.

Among the questions are what people think about the two proposals, as well as what residents like about Coolidge Square, what types of businesses they would like to see there and questions about the street they live on.

Go to the survey by clicking here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5B36YDH

The survey is not run by the town, so to have input on the projects included in the official town record, send an email to Community Development and Planning Director Steve Magoon at smagoon@watertown-ma.gov

One thought on “East End Residents Create Survey on Development in the Area

  1. It is imperative that the end end of Watertown has a drug store.
    This part of town has several seniors especially the complex on Bigelow Ave. It is extremely difficult for us without an automobile to go down to the CVS in the square for our prescription and other necessities. This plan would be a great asset to Coolidge Square

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