See Which Groups got Grants from the Watertown Community Foundation

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Watertown Community Foundation

The Watertown Community Foundation handed out more than $19,000 in Healthy Watertown grants – see which groups got them.

The Watertown Community Foundation (WCF) Board of Directors awarded the grants, which funded by Tufts Health Plan Foundation. The following ten nonprofit organizations serving Watertown got the grants:

Families for Depression Awareness: A grant to conduct a Teen Depression Program in Watertown to educate a minimum of 100 families.

Improbable Players and Watertown Middle School: A grant to present WMS sixth graders with a performance about substance abuse prevention and healthy choices as well as to provide six related theater workshops for the seventh graders.

Lowell Elementary School: A grant to expand the school’s Learning Garden so each grade level will have designated space for curriculum-connected, project-based learning.

St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at St. Patrick’s Church: A grant to purchase nutritious food.

Watertown Food Pantry: A grant to purchase nutritious food.

Watertown Public Schools: A grant to help fund a pilot position for a Garden Coordinator whose job will be to help sustain the existing outdoor classrooms/gardens and support an integrated curriculum that links food to culture, health, and the environment.

Watertown Public Schools and Friends: A grant to launch a Speaker Series, consisting of three events focused on the topic of “Healthy Technology Use for Adolescents.”

Watertown Public Schools – Special Education: A grant for more nutrition, fitness education and healthy life skills; specifically, a swimming program for special ed. students at Watertown Middle School.

Watertown Youth Coalition, Watertown Public Schools and World in Watertown: A grant to continue the Healthy Watertown SPEAK (Sharing Personal Experience and Knowledge) Project, an initiative that brings educational speakers and activities to Watertown High and Middle Schools to educate students, faculty and parents about healthy decision-making and substance abuse, bullying, and suicide prevention while also promoting respect for diversity in Watertown.

Watertown Youth Soccer: A grant to expand WYS’s all-inclusive soccer program to also provide a nutrition program and guidance specifically combating childhood obesity.

The Watertown Community Foundation has awarded over $530,000 in grants since it was founded in 2003. It works to build and sustain a vibrant, close-knit community in Watertown – now, and for future generations. To accomplish this, WCF raises funds from people and partner institutions, awards grants to non-profits and community projects, and builds networks of donors, grantees, program participants and stakeholders.

WCF and its grantees are consistent leaders:

  • Advancing education and health
  • Supporting the most vulnerable
  • Protecting the environment
  • Encouraging creativity and the arts
  • Fostering community engagement and leadership

Persons interested in supporting WCF should contact: Michael Schade, Executive Director, at 617-926-1500 or at

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