Shoplifter Facing Many Other Charges After Spitting on Police

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Watertown Police Cruiser

A woman caught shoplifting at Target got herself into more trouble when she would not go quietly with police officers.

The suspect, identified as Ryaneesha Rice, 24, of Jamaica Plain, was spotted put an air purifier under her cart and asked to receive credit for it. For that and some other items she received a total of $383.23 on a gift card, said Watertown Police Lt. Michael Lawn.

She was caught and taken to the security office. When police arrived she was not cooperating. Rice began swearing at officers and when they tried to hand cuff her she yelled obscenities at the officers.

“She continued to kick and resist and once in the police car she spit on the police officers and began to kicking the door and window and threatening the officers,” Lawn said.

Rice was arrested on two counts of assault and battery on a police officer, shoplifting over $100, larceny by false pretense, disorderly conduct and threatening to commit a crime – assault and battery, Lawn said.

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