Charlie Breitrose
A road after being milled and prepared for overlay of new asphalt.
The intersection of Church and Summer streets will be closed this week for emergency repairs, announced the Department of Public Works.
Beginning Monday, April 13, the Department of Public Works and its contractor D & R Paving, will be performing emergency road repairs. The work includes the section of Church Street from Winter Street to Summer Street.
During the construction, the work area will be closed and there will be no access to Church Place. The emergency work will consist of removal of pavement by excavation, compaction, and repaving.
The work is anticipated to take 4 to 5 days and work hours will be from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Watertown Savings Bank branch located at 45 Church Street will be open during construction and customers can also visit their other locations (https://www.watertownsavings.com/locations.html) for teller service.
A map would have been helpful.
Good idea, here you go.
Google it.