2 Documents that Will Shape Watertown’s Future Will be Discussed Soon

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Two documents that will have a major impact on Watertown’s future will be discussed in public meetings. 

The Planning Board will hold a public hearing to continue discussion of the Design Guidelines & Standards. This document includes proposed changes to the Watertown Zoning Ordinance and will add new rules for major residential and commercial developments in town (find out more here). The meeting will be held on Thursday, April 30 at 7 p.m. in the Town Council Chamber.

The Town Council and the Planning Board will get together for a public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. This document sets out a vision for the town’s future in several categories, including land use, transportation, housing, economic development, open space, natural resources, historical and cultural resources, public services, and energy. has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 6 at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium at Watertown Middle School, 68 Waverley Ave.

The Council and Planning Board will each consider adoption of the Comprehensive Plan at a future regular meeting, at a date to be determined.

Town Councilors and Planning Board members discussed the plan over the summer. Here are some previous stories about the Comprehensive Plan:

Council, Planning Board Worry Comprehensive Plan is Too Specific

Board Sends Housing Section of Comprehensive Plan Back for Overhaul

Officials Debate Best Way to Encourage Businesses Using Comprehensive Plan

Comprehensive Plan Looks at How to Make Use of Charles River

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