Hear About the Mt. Auburn St., Orchard/Common Streets Projects

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Two major road projects in Watertown will be coming down the line, and town officials will hold an informational meeting about the renovations of Mt. Auburn Street and the Orchard Street/Common Street area. 

The Town Council’s Public Works Committee will hold the informational meeting will share the latest details of the two projects on Thursday, May 14 from 7-9 p.m. at Tufts Health Care’s Cafe Room, 705 Mt Auburn St. in Watertown.

Public works staff and engineers will be present to explain the design concepts, and there will be plenty of time for questions by residents, said Councilor Cecilia Lenk, chairwoman of the subcommittee.

Mt. Auburn Street will undergo some major changes in the renovation project, which has been discussed for several years. In some stretches, Mt. Auburn Street will be reduced to one lane each way, and turn lanes will be added to as part of upgrades to major intersections.

The DPW’s plans for the intersection of Common and Orchard streets include adding a rotary in the five-way intersection just down the street from Watertown High School. The plan also calls for changing the intersection of Common and Spring streets, right across from the high school.

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