One thought on “School District Seeking Community Input on WHS Mascot & Logo

  1. The Watertown Red Raiders Logo has been around for yrs…. It is not just a logo to the people of the town…. It is a symbol of , strength , honor, loyalty, and more… Red Raider logo has taught us to become one, as a Town, in good times and bad times….. Taking away the Red Raiders logo is like saying we are no longer a community of strength, honor and loyalty like we were taught, by not only our parents and grandparents, but by all those that came before them…… I grew up in Watertown and so didn’t my parents and their parents.. My parents owned businesses in the town for yrs and they always stood for honor. Loyalty and strength, and that’s what I was taught and that is what I taught my children…. So now it is time for the whole community to stand up and say No !!!!!! WATERTOWN RED RAIDER STRONG FOREVER !!!!!!!
    Thank you ….

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