The eight recipients of the 2015 Lt. Paul J. Sullivan Scholarships.
On Sunday evening, May 17th, eight local seniors were awarded scholarships from the Lt. Paul J. Sullivan Scholarship Trust. At a reception at the American Legion Hill Post in Waltham, the 47th annual awards were announced, according to an announcement about the scholarships.
Paul was a student athlete at St. Mary’s Waltham and Boston College. He was a park instructor in Watertown and briefly taught at the West Jr. High School in Watertown. He coached at St. Patrick’s Watertown and Sacred Heart in Newton. He volunteered for the Army and their OCS and Ranger training. He was sent to Vietnam in July, 1968 and was killed in action on August 9, 1968.
His former coaches, family and friends established a scholarship to recognize student athletes actively involved in their school, religion and community. What was initially one $500 scholarship has grown to multiple awards and this year $17,000 was awarded. What makes this scholarship special is the continued involvement of past winners and their families. Some serve on the selection committee and others donate on an annual basis,
This year’s winners:
- Alex Hively, Boston College High School – Lt. Paul J Sullivan Scholarship
- Keegan Duguay, Watertown High School – Lt. Paul J Sullivan Scholarship in memory of Paul Cusick, Paul’s CYO coach who founded the scholarship
- Katherine Dolan, Watertown High School – Lt. Paul J Sullivan Scholarship in memory of Rev. Robert Sullivan SSJ , Paul’s brother
- Molly Day, Watertown High School – Lt. Paul J Sullivan Scholarship in memory of Sister Eileen Sullivan SBS, Paul’s sister
- Brendan Berekley, Watertown High School – Lt. Paul J Sullivan Scholarship in memory of Lt. Edward Walsh BFD – former winner and served on the selection committee
- Rachel Morris, Watertown High School – Lt. Paul J Sullivan Scholarship Finalist
- Sarah Rahim, Watertown High School – Lt. Paul J Sullivan Scholarship Finalist
- Niko Ohannessian, Watertown High School – Lt. Paul J Sullivan Scholarship Finalist
We thank all who continue to support this scholarship and who have helped it grow.