Watertown Tree Warden Christopher Hayward will hold a hearing about trees that are due to be cut down. Residents are welcome to attend and give comments about the trees.
The hearing will be held on June 17, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. in the Watertown Administration Building (Town Hall), Lower Hearing Room
Here are the tree locations, diameter of the trunk and type of tree being discussed at the hearing:
8 Westland Road, 4”, Oak
32 Lowell Ave., 15”, Norway maple
69 Lowell Ave., 17”, Norway maple
85 Lowell Ave., 18”, Norway maple
26/28 Fifield St., 22”, Norway maple
The hearing announcement adds:
Please note that you do not need to attend the Tree Hearing to be heard. If you cannot attend but are for or against the removal of any of the trees listed and want your thoughts to become public record, please email the Tree Warden at chayward@watertown-ma.gov. Your concerns will be read into the public record at the hearing. Your email must be received by me by 10:30 a.m. on June 17, 2015.
If you have any questions, please contact Christopher Hayward at the email listed above or at 617-972-6426.