Watertown Police Lend a Hand at the Special Olympics

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Watertown Police Department

Watertown Police officers helped out at the recent Special Olympics competition.

Watertown Police officers helped out at the recent Special Olympics competition.

Watertown Police Department

Watertown Police officers helped out at the recent Special Olympics competition.

Four Watertown Police officers gave Special Olympics athletes the VIP treatment by giving them a police convoy and handing out awards. 
On June 6, the Watertown Police joined the Special Olympics Cruiser Convey that ended at Harvard University, said Capt. Raymond DuPuis, one of the participating officers.

Watertown Police officers handed out medals to the Special Olympics athletes.

Watertown Police Department

Watertown Police officers handed out medals to the Special Olympics athletes at Harvard.

Once they got there, the group headed to the aquatics center to hand out medals to the athletes in the swimming competition, and the Lavietes Pavilion for they gymnastics.

A Watertown Police officer honors one of the Special Olympics competitors.

Watertown Police Department

A Watertown Police officer honors one of the Special Olympics competitors.

Watertown Police Capt. Raymond DuPuis took part in the Special Olympics event.

Watertown Police Department

Watertown Police Capt. Raymond DuPuis took part in the Special Olympics event.


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