The 2015 Community Spirit Award recipients (clockwise from far left): Wil van Dinter, Laura Kehoe, Christopher Thigpen, Detective Mark Lewis, Larry Raskin, Lt. Daniel Unsworth, Andrew Allegro, Arlene Smith, Bob Galante, Ernie Thebado, Wendy Morrissey, Cris Patvakanian, Rebecca Grossman and Chris Lowry.
The Community Spirit Awards went to 17 members of the Watertown community who have worked to help the youth in town and make it a better place.
On Monday, June 22nd, at Arsenal Park, the Wayside Multi-Service Center/ Watertown Youth Coalition (WYC) hosted the annual Community Spirit Award picnic to honor Watertown community members who:
- serve as a positive influence or mentor to others in Watertown
- show courage to address challenging issues that affect youth and the community
- actively take steps to improve the Watertown community
“We applaud these spirit award recipients and the people that nominated them. Watertown is a wonderful community with so many caring adults looking out for the interest of the youth living here!” the Wayside/WYC announcement said.
The 2015 Community Spirit Award Recipients:
- Andrew Allegro (Watertown Middle School)
- Bob Galante (Lowell School and Pequossette Summer Program)
- Rebecca Grossman (Watertown Youth Coalition Peer Leader)
- Kraig Gustafson (Watertown High School)
- Michael Hayes (Watertown High School Hockey)
- Laura Kehoe (Right Turn)
- Detective Mark Lewis (Watertown Police Department)
- Chris Lowry (Friends of Watertown Music)
- Wendy Morrissey (Watertown Against Substance Abuse)
- Cris Patvakanian (Watertown Youth Coalition Peer Leader)
- Larry Raskin (World in Watertown)
- Greg Salvucci (Watertown Youth Baseball)
- Arlene Smith (Watertown Family Network)
- Ernie Thebado (Recreation Department)
- Christopher Thigpen (Benchmark Recovery Center)
- Lt. Daniel Unsworth (Watertown Police Department)
- Wil van Dinter (Watertown Health Department)
Additionally, the organizers thanked to Ralph Vitiello, General Manager of Not Your Average Joe’s restaurant in Watertown, who previously served as co-chair for the Watertown Youth Coalition’s Steering Committee.
“He continues to show his dedication to helping youth and families in Watertown by continually providing food for our Community Spirit Awards as well as for our meetings and events,” the announcement said.
For more information about the Watertown Youth Coalition go to: www.watertownyouthcoalition.org