Woman Attacks Teen at Sporting Goods Store with Lacrosse Stick

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Photo by Alejandro Mejía Greene/JubiloHaku via Flickr Creative Commons

Emergency lights

A woman faces assault and battery with a dangerous weapon charges after she allegedly hit a teen-aged boy with a lacrosse stick.

The woman had been shopping at Sports Authority with her daughter on the afternoon of July 6 when she began yelling at the 14-year-old boy, said Watertown Police Lt. Michael Lawn.

“The woman said the boy was looking at her and said something to her daughter,” Lawn said. “She picked up a lacrosse stick and hit him with it.”

Security said the women then left the store and she was later located by police.

When police asked her what happened, she said the boy was calling her daughter names.

The 31-year-old woman from Dorchester was summonsed to Waltham District Court on a charge of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

3 thoughts on “Woman Attacks Teen at Sporting Goods Store with Lacrosse Stick

  1. “The woman said she the boy was looking at her and said something to her daughter,”

    “said she the boy”? Did a police lieutenant actually say this? Or did the proofreader take a day off?

  2. This was a good article; It describes what is unfortunately a very common occurrence in this mall. This kind of stuff happens all too often in this place. Sometimes it’s the customers that come to this mall and sometimes it’s even the people who work in this mall. About a month before this article was written, 2 employees in Almoda were fighting with each other. Last November, just before Thanksgiving, a man & a woman were beating each other up & police had to be called in. Last September there was an intoxicated woman wandering the mall asking random people that worked in the mall where she could find drugs. These are just some examples of things I’ve seen in this mall. The police are called to this mall on a regular basis, but there are even still more times when the police should be called & are not.

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