Huge Tree Limb Falls in Watertown Square Delta

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Bob Erickson

A large limb of a tree in the Watertown Delta broke off and fell Sunday.

A large limb of a tree in the Watertown Delta broke off and fell Sunday.

Bob Erickson

A large limb of a tree in the Watertown Delta broke off and fell Sunday.

A large limb from an historic tree in Watertown Square broke off and fell on the Watertown Delta Sunday. 

The cause of the broken limb was not apparent to Public Works officials on Sunday afternoon, said DPW Superintendent Gerald Mee.

“In the middle of a beautiful day, it just dropped,” Mee said.

The limb is lying on the large grassy area in Watertown Square known as the Delta, and does not pose a danger, so it will be removed Monday, according to Mee.

The reason for the tree limb breaking is not clear.

Charlie Breitrose

The reason for the tree limb breaking is not clear.

The limb, which is at least 40 feet in length, is one of the trees that have lights on and light up during the holiday season.

Mee said the tree has been around “a long time.”

“A lot of people have worked hard to keep them alive,” Mee said. “So, it is a little heartbreaking.”

On Monday, Tree Warden Chris Hayward will inspect the tree to determine what happened and if it is in ill health, Mee said.

The tree which lost a limb is a historic tree. The limb  is at least 40 feet in length.

Charlie Breitrose

The tree which lost a limb is a historic tree. The limb is at least 40 feet in length.

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