Local Yoga Studio Holding Class With Fees Being Donated to Charities

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Megan Dattoli

A look inside the yoga studio at GROUNDWORK yoga + wellness.

A look inside the yoga studio at GROUNDWORK yoga + wellness.

Megan Dattoli

A look inside the yoga studio at GROUNDWORK yoga + wellness.

A local yoga studio will offer classes at a reduced rate, with the funds for the classes going to local organizations and charities.

Groundwork yoga + wellness is excited to announce a new weekly class starting in mid-August: Community Yoga. The purpose of this class is to provide an opportunity for people to explore the benefits of yoga at a reduced price, experience various teaching styles, and to support local organizations or charities that offer wellness programs or initiatives.

Certified yoga instructors will be donating their time to teach the classes, and students attending the classes will be encouraged to donate $5-$10 per class, according to the announcement. All of the funds raised will be donated to pre-selected local organizations or charities that support or provide wellness programs.

Megan Dattoli, Watertown resident and owner of GROUNDWORK yoga + wellness, 402 Trapelo Road in Belmont, is seeking input from local residents about which wellness programs they would like to support. From these nominations several organizations will be chosen, and supported with donations throughout the year.

The goal is to support the mission of GROUNDWORK yoga + wellness which is to encourage self care of body and mind, healthy families and a mindful community, Dattoli said. GROUNDWORK yoga + wellness hopes that the opportunity to nominate a program or organization will inspire people to think about wellness and the needs of their community. They want to make a local impact, and believe that starts with supporting the types of programs that are important to the residents.

If you would like to suggest a wellness organization, charity or program to support with donations from the community yoga class, please email Megan Dattoli at connect@groundworkwellness.com by Friday, July 24.

Your nomination may be as simple or detailed as you would like. If there is a specific organization or program you would like to support, please provide as much detail as possible. If there is simply a wellness issue that is dear to your heart, please feel free to send a brief email about it, and GROUNDWORK yoga + wellness will work to find a local organization to partner with.

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