Mt. Auburn Cemetery Evacuated While Police Searched for Suicidal Man

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Photo by Alejandro Mejía Greene/JubiloHaku via Flickr Creative Commons

Emergency lights

Police evacuated Mount Auburn Cemetery after receiving a report that there was a man threatening to commit suicide inside, but the search did not locate anyone.

The call came in at 5:47 p.m. Wednesday evening, said Watertown Police Lt. Michael Lawn.

“We got information from a third party caller (forwarded from State Police) about a suicidal man inside the cemetery by the Charles River,” Lawn said. “We ended up evacuating Mount Auburn Cemetery, but we found nothing.”

Watertown Police were joined by Cambridge Police officers and Massachusetts State Police troopers in the search of the cemetery, which lies in Watertown and Cambridge.

Police left the area around 9 p.m., Lawn said.

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