A map showing rat sightings reported by Watertown residents to the Health Department.u
The Watertown Health Department has put out boxes to try to control the rats in areas of town that have seen a spike in rodent activity this summer.
A map of reported rodent sighting show most of the complaints coming in the Eastside of Watertown, with a cluster around Arlington Street, north of Mt. Auburn Street.
Earlier this month, the town held a meeting for Eastside residents to talk about the rodent problems they have seen in their area. Some reported seeing them on their street, or even in their yards and lawns (read more here).
Three bait boxes have been placed out so far, according to the Health Department – 346-348 Arlington St., the corner of Ashland Street and Salisbury Road and Templeton Parkway at Maplewood Street. The boxes contain bait, but do not trap the rodents, and town employees will monitor the boxes.

Watertown Department of Public Works
The Watertown Department of Public Works built and put out bait boxes or “Rat Hotels” like this one in areas where rats have been seen.
Another complaint recently came in from the Hillside Road area, and another box will be placed in that area, according to the announcement from the Department of Health.
Rodent activity including rodent nesting conditions seen in your neighborhood can be reported to the Health Department at 617-972-6446.