Charlie Breitrose
Nearly 400 people rallied in front of Town Hall in support of the Watertown Firefighters this winter.
The Watertown Fire Union leaders and town officials have come to an agreement on the disputed Watertown Firefighters Contract, but the contract is not a done deal, yet.
The memorandum of agreement was reached on Thursday, said Rob Mannix, president of Local 1347 Firefighters Union. Before the contract can be officially adopted the union and Town Council must approve the deal.
“The Watertown Firefighters are thrilled that we were able to settle our contract Thursday,” Mannix said. “This has been a long, hard, draining battle that we are more than happy to put in out rear view.”
Mannix did not give details of the proposed contract. Union members will vote on the proposal on the night of Wednesday, Sept. 9.
Town Manager Michael Driscoll was not available for comment on Friday.
Town Council President Mark Sideris said the Council will not be able to vote on the contract until the union has approved the contract. The next meeting after the date of the union vote is on Tuesday, Sept. 22.
“I am very happy. It is good news,” said Sideris, who added it is premature to say the contract has been approved before the union and Town Council vote on the deal.
Watertown Firefighters have been without a contract for more than six years. The contract was close to being settled at the end of 2014, but the Town Council voted down funding for the contract award decided by an independent arbitration board.
Many have rallied behind the firefighters, and the red signs calling for the contract to be settled are a common sight on lawns around Watertown. Mannix thanked those who stood behind the firefighters.
“There are too many people to thank but need to mention our appreciation for the residents of Watertown that stood with us, and by us during this arduous process. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,” Mannix said.
I’m glad this is “almost” over. It’s taken a terrible toll on this town, the men and women involved and their families. I’ve tried not to lose respect for the town council but it’s been very difficult. I just know I’m very proud of our FF – they have handled this whole matter with respect for all citizens in Watertown, commitment and a great amount of class. Thank you Watertown Firefighters for sticking with it!
The timing is interesting, with the election coming up…