A number of town groups and town departments will join together for Erase the Stigma Week from Oct. 19-25.
The Town, through the Departments of Health, Police and Recreation, community-based service and advocacy organizations, and concerned individuals have come together in a timely fashion to develop an Action Plan, according to the event announcement. The centerpiece of the Plan is a week of educational programs, awareness activities, and publicity schedule from Oct. 19 to Oct. 25 under the banner “Erase the Stigma: A week of awareness and education to build hope, health and healing around opioid addiction.”
There will be special assemblies at Watertown Middle and Watertown High School, a major community-focused event, Coming Together on Wednesday, Oct. 21, a small group meeting for parents and family members of individuals with a substance use disorder, and sermons on Sunday, Oct. 25 at houses of worship. In additions billboards and banners will be seen throughout Watertown and public service announcements will be viewed on WCAT announcing the week and calling for Watertown to come together to address the opioid crisis.
W.A.T.E.R.town – Watertown Access to Treatment, Education and Resources for Substance Use Disorder, the coalition which is responsible for implementing the Plan, will also support legislation to increase treatment and prevention services, develop and publicize resources for individuals with a substance use disorder who are seeking help, and build a stronger network among existing and new community-based organizations serving individuals and families.
A flyer describing all the activities for the week and the details on “Coming Together “event will be available shortly and on the the W.A.T.E.R.town Facebook page – www.facebook.com/pages/Watertown-Access-to-Treatment-Education-and-Resources/513023628850828
Please note there is a special Candlelight Vigil on Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Church, 212 Main Street where those we have lose to substance use disorder will be remembered. For more information visit: www.facebook.com/watertownovercomingaddiction.