Charlie Breitrose
Watertown Firefighters will be wearing pink in October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
You might notice Watertown firefighters clad in Pepto Bismol colored T-shirts, instead of their normal dar blue ones. They are going pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month.
The tradition started several years ago when now-retired firefighter Tom Thibault approached Fire Chief Mario Orangio about doing something to raise awareness after Thibault’s wife was diagnosed with the disease.
“My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, so I said, sure,” Orangio said. “The guys like it. It gives them s something to rally around.”
With Thibault gone from the department, the torch was passed to firefighter Bob Power.
“My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer a year and a half ago,” Power said. “It seemed right for me to do it.”
The Fire Department is raising money for breast cancer awareness, and the public can purchase the shirts at the Watertown Fire Station at 99 Main St. The money raised helps patients and their families with the out of pocket expenses.
Power said he saw first hand how the expenses can add up – co-payments, parking fees and other items.
Some items that may seem integral with going through cancer treatment are not covered, Orangio said.
“Wigs are considered cosmetic, so insurance doesn’t cover it,” Orangio said. “They cost around $400.”
The chief hopes the effort during the month of October has made an impact.
“If one woman or husband sees us in pink shirts and asks what we are doing, and then goes and gets a mammogram, then it is worth it,” Orangio said.