Watertown Boy Collects Presents for Kids at Children’s Hospital

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Shane Gleason

Watertown's Brady Gleason collected soccer balls at his 9th birthday party and donated them to Children's Hospital.

Watertown's Brady Gleason collected soccer balls at his 9th birthday party and donated them to Children's Hospital.

Shane Gleason

Watertown’s Brady Gleason collected soccer balls at his 9th birthday party and donated them to Children’s Hospital.

When Brady Gleason turned 9, he decided to have his guests bring presents – not for himself but for kids at Children’s Hospital.

Gleason, a third-grader at the Hosmer School, asked each of his friends to bring a soccer ball. His father Shane sent over a photo: “This was the end result – over 30 soccer balls!”

Brady plays soccer for the Watertown U9 Rangers and recently scored the winning goal in the team’s 3-2 win over the Lincoln Geckos, Shane said.

Charity runs in the family. Brady’s brother had a similar party a few years ago, Shane said.


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