Watertown Boy Using His Cancer Diagnosis as an Inspiration for Good

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Gabriel Aljalian, 6, hopes to turn his cancer diagnosis into an inspiration to do acts of kindness.

Gabrieal Aljalian, 6, hopes to turn his cancer diagnosis into an inspiration to do acts of kindness.

Gabriel Aljalian, 6, hopes to turn his cancer diagnosis into an inspiration to do acts of kindness.

Nov. 3 was a bad day for Watertown’s Gabriel Aljalian and his family. That was the date in 2012 when, at the age of 3, Gabriel was diagnosed with leukemia. Now, he wants to turn it into one full of acts of kindness. 

Despite facing a deadly disease, Gabriel always found a way to smile and let his “brave and bright spirit shine through,” said his mother Natasha.

“Inevitably, this time of year, we start to see diagnosis date closing in on the calendar.  We wanted to change the meaning of this day – and change it from a dark and sad one to a happy one that helps spread light and happiness,” said Natasha, who has lived in Watertown for 16 years with her husband Arakel, the pastor of St. James Armenian Church.

Today, Gabriel’s outlook looks much more positive.

“Gabriel finished active treatment in December 2014 and finished all meds in June of 2015,” Natasha said. “He is doing great and is in first Grade and doing all the things that 6 year old boys should be doing.”

This year, the Aljalians want to turn Nov. 3 into Gabriel’s Day of Kindness.

“We want to change what Nov. 3 means for him, and change this dark day into one full of light and happiness,” Natasha said. “We ask you to join in our gratitude by performing acts of kindness in Gabriel’s honor on Nov. 3!”

No act is too big or too small.

“In the end – any act of kindness that you are moved to do in your heart, we are absolutely thankful for,” Natasha said.

To promote Gabriel’s Day of Kindness, a Facebook page has been set up. The Aljalians hope people will share their good deeds done on Nov. 3 on the Facebook page (click here to see the page).

“Please like this page, and feel free to share this page with your family and friends. Our goal is to fill the world with kindness, joy, happiness, and smiles on this day,” Natasha said.


5 thoughts on “Watertown Boy Using His Cancer Diagnosis as an Inspiration for Good

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. Der Arakel, Yn. Natasha and sweet Gabriel thank you for your strength and courage. Often news stories cover the shocking and most negative of events, but this one so inspirational and filled with reality, but with the human reaction of goodness, giving balance to something otherwise, very painful and fearful. Within the story itself the good weighs in heavier than the bad, or the parents reaction turned something negative into something amazing, igniting something so touching. Too, I commend the Watertown News for choosing to post this inspirational reality over more negative/shocking pieces. You too have taken on the responsibility of bringing balance and sharing good in our world.
    Thank you,
    Yn. Susan Marie

  2. Watch the truth about cancer series that is currently running – doctors arent going to want you to watch it, but if it were my kid I would!

    • Yeah Laura, whatever you say. Why listen to a scary doctor when a random person online tells you that you should trust her lay opinion over a learned expert who spent decades of his/her life in the field. I’m sure Laura here also takes her car to the baker, instead of the mechanic.

    • Please don’t tell someone what you would do. Has your child been diagnosed with cancer? And a movie of course supercedes the oncologists working every day to save lives.

    • In the 1970s the survival rate for leukemia was 10%. This was before current treatment standards were protocol. With current treatment standards, which include steroids and chemotherapy, the survival rate is 90%. I’ll take the 90% odds over the ‘maybe organic broccoli will cure my child’ any day.

      Day after day I read posts from parents who raised their kids on only organic food, used essential oils when their kids got sick and stayed away from microwaving anything, etc. only to have their child diagnosed with cancer. Every week I read posts from parents whose children passed away despite their use of cannabis oil, special vitamins, oxygen infused water and any other thing they could find to help their child and it didn’t work.

      It’s easy to say ‘no drugs for my kid’ when it’s not your kid. When a doctor looks you in the eye and says, “Your child has cancer,” you are more than welcome to tell them ‘no thanks’ to helping save your child’s life. As for me, I’ll take the modern medicine and hope that in the future they find something less toxic that works even better. Right now, that ‘something’ doesn’t exist.

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