5 thoughts on “LETTER: A Clear Choice for District A – Angie Kounelis

  1. Angie Kounelis is a very thoughtful , quiet leader who knows how to build community while also able to listen to us. The 7 residents who signed this letter of support are also representative of similar mind set in the desire to create a spectacular community where the residents must learn to work together.

  2. Ms Kounelis is a bit of a gadfly who often exaggerates situations to make a point but she is independent and I give her a lot of credit towards sticking to her principles and being her own person. I do believe she really loves the East Side and Watertown from the bottom of her heart.

  3. Thank you one and all for your support and most of all, friendship. The Town of Watertown is our home; for us, the nucleus is our East End. Together, we continue to strive for a better East End and quality of life for everyone in our community.

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