Head of Watertown-Based Drug Recovery Group Featured in Statewide Campaign

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Mike Duggan, founder of Watertown-based Wicked Sober, is the face of a new state campaign - #StateWithoutaStigMA.

Mike Duggan, founder of Watertown-based Wicked Sober, is the face of a new state campaign - #StateWithoutaStigMA.

Screenshot of State Video

Mike Duggan, founder of Watertown-based Wicked Sober, is the face of a new state campaign – #StateWithoutaStigMA.

Mike Duggan’s story does not fit many people’s picture of drug addicts, and his experience is being featured in a statewide campaign to bring awareness of the problem of opiates in Massachusetts and to erase the stigma of addiction.

Duggan grew up in Arlington and first started using painkillers after he broke his wrist playing hockey. Soon he was hooked, not realizing that what he was taking was “basically Heroin in a pill.”

Now, Duggan works at Wicked Sober, an organization helping drug addicts get treatment and get into recovery. The organization recently moved to Watertown.

On Wednesday, Gov. Charlie Baker announced the #StateWithoutStigMA campaign, and Duggan is featured in an video for the campaign (watch it below).

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