One thought on “Public Hearing Set for Proposed Zoning Changes Around Watertown’s Malls

  1. Dear Town Council,

    I am very concerned about the proposed changes to zoning currently called “RMUD”. Zoning is the only mechanism by which its residents can protect their interests. As a resident, I do not want developers to be the ones influencing change because it is unlikely that their desire to maximize profits will be consistent with my desire to preserve quality of life and property value. RMUD goes too far.

    As Jonathan Bockian points out in his open letter to the Council, RMUD opens the door to unrestricted height. Tall buildings would not only impose on town aesthetics but the town budget as well because fire departments would be required to re-tool for them. I am sure there are many other secondary and tertiary consequences of under-restricted development.

    Zoning is foundational to the shape of Watertown and changes to zoning will have long-lasting impact. It is critical that the residents have ample and repeated opportunities to understand, digest and influence proposed changes to the zone that protect their interests. Please continue to work with developers and hear their proposals but it is too soon to vote changes into place, especially now when the voted representation of the residents is about the change. Please do not vote on these proposed changes now.

    Thank you for your continued service to the town and its residents and thank you for considering my opinion.

    David Sprogis
    20-year resident
    36 Chester Street

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