Watertown Group Fights for Refugees, Plans Vigil About Asylum Process

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Watertown Citizens

Watertown resident Amira Elamri speaks at State House Luncheon to celebrate immigrants.

Watertown resident Amira Elamri speaks at State House Luncheon to celebrate immigrants.

Watertown Citizens

Watertown resident Amira Elamri speaks at State House Luncheon to celebrate immigrants.

A Watertown group headed to the State House to advocate for refugees, and have an event planned in Watertown on Dec. 5.

Watertown Citizens sent out the following announcement:

Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice & the Environment has wasted no time responding to members’ concerns about the refugee crisis. Two weeks after organizing an informational public meeting last month at the library on this urgent plight, the organization formed a new working group, Watertown Citizens Refugee Support Group.

This working group went immediately to work. They organized a contingent to represent Watertown at the State House last week, as part of Our Shared Table, the Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon of the Mass. Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA). Having met MIRA Executive Director Eva Millona at the library gathering, Watertown resident and Syrian asylee Amira Elamri was invited to be a featured speaker at the luncheon. Alongside Ms. Millona, 4 other Massachusetts immigrants, State Senator DiDomenico and Governor Baker, she spoke eloquently about her daunting journey to Watertown and her two-years-and-still-counting wait for processing of her asylum application.

The contingent from Watertown Citizens at the MIRA event at the State House.

Watertown Citizens.

The contingent from Watertown Citizens at the MIRA event at the State House.

In addition to researching ways in which Watertown can help refugees who are fleeing unspeakable violence, educate residents about refugee and asylum seekers, and dispel any misunderstandings about the process, Watertown Citizens has organized a vigil that will take place Saturday, Dec. 5 in Watertown Square at 11 a.m.

This vigil will join voices around the country to ensure that Massachusetts as well as the USA will not close our doors on the men, women and children most in need of safety and support. Guest speakers will join us at noon. Citizens are invited to bring signs expressing sentiments of shared humanity and American values that welcome our fellow human-beings who so desperately seek shelter and freedom.

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