With the end of the first half of the 2015-16, State Rep. Jonathan Hecht, who represents 3/4 of Watertown, looked back on his work during the year in two updates he recently wrote up.
Hecht was one of 11 Democrats who voted against eliminating the term limit for the House Speaker, and the only one to speak on the floor about it.
“I believe that eliminating term limits will further concentrate power in the Speakership, reduce open debate and independent thinking in the House, and heighten the risk of corruption and other abuses,” Hecht wrote.
He also wrote about his efforts to not let experienced state employees leave as a result of Gov. Baker’s retirement incentives, funding the MBTA, expanding Earned Income Tax Credits and much, much more.
Hecht also looked back at help he provided people in his district. Some of the areas include helping people access government services, including joining with Watertown Social Services Resource Specialist Danielle DeMoss and the Watertown Housing Authority to find housing for two Watertown families at risk of becoming homeless.
Other efforts included increasing funding for the town government and Watertown schools and getting funding for transportation studies for the Arsenal Street Corridor and to improve the MBTA’s 71 and 73 bus lines.
He also worked with the Department of Conservation and Recreation on improvement projects along the Charles River and to expand the Community Path.
To read more Hecht’s entire 2015 update go to http://jonhecht.com/content/
For those who’d like to learn more about his work, share their ideas and feedback, or sign up to receive updates from my office through email, please be in touch at jonathan.hecht@mahouse.gov or call his office at 617-722-2140.