Recycle your Styrofoam at the special DPW event.
The Watertown Department of Public Works will hold a special recycling event to get rid of some of your hard to dispose of waste, plus shred your paper documents.
The event will be held on Saturday, Jan. 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Watertown Recycling Center on Green River Way. To get there from Watertown Square, take Pleasant Street west, turn right on Bridge Street, left on Waltham Street and left on Green River Way.
Recycle your styrofoam products – trays, cups, peanuts and packaging.
You can also bring sensitive documents and see them shredded before your eyes.
Tires will also be accepted, but NO RIMS!
The event is for Watertown residents only, so bring your ID. This is for residential waste only, no Commercial or business.