Stories by Two Watertown High Journalists Featured on National Site

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Raider Times reporters have produced two recent stories that have been featured on a site that highlights the best high school journalism from across the country.

In November, Watertown High School’s Rebecca Grossman chronicled the efforts of WHS science teacher Jennifer MacDonald to cut back on the number of one-use cups from places like Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks.

MacDonald, who teaches AP environmental science and is the mentor for the high school’s Environmental Club, banned single-use cups from her class. At the same time, the school has put in water fountain that has a spigot to fill water bottles.

Grossman reports that the new fountain had saved about 7,000 bottles by early November. Her story, which can be seen here, was picked by Student Newspapers Online’s website ( as a best of SNO story.

For being featured on, Grossman received a commendation from the School Committee.

This month, The Raider Times had another piece selected for the Best of SNO. This time it was Amin Touri’s piece “‘Stars Wars: The Force Awakens’ an epic start to new trilogy.”

In his review of the new Star Wars movie Touri says The Force Awakens is “a big improvement over the prequel trilogy that preceded it from 1999-2005. It brings a pace the last three releases lacked, and adds stunning visual effects to a story that — though it may not rival Lucas’s original masterpieces — holds its own as the start to the latest epic trilogy in the Star Wars universe.”

See Touri’s story by clicking here.

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