Find Out About the RMUD Proposal at Upcoming Citizen Led Meetings

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Sustainable Watertown hosted a meeting last week to help people wade through the complexities of the process for rezoning the area near the Arsenal Project and Watertown Mall, and the group has more meetings planned. 

The informal meetings are a time to learn about what the RMUD (Regional Mixed Use District) in the East End could mean for Watertown, how the process works and even what some of the jargon actually means.

The second meeting will be held Wednesday, Jan. 13 from 6:45-9 p.m. at the Watertown Free Public Library

TOPICS: Open Space and Green Space, Definitions, Public Stewardship of the Riverway, Local and State Ordinances and Laws Protecting the River and Riverway, 100 Foot Buffer; Public Parks, Public Access. Nancy Hammett, Presenter

Meeting No. 3 – Tuesday, Jan. 19, WFPL, Time: 6:45-9 p.m.

TOPICS: Traffic, Transit (Including TMA -Traffic Management Association & TMD – Traffic Management District), plus a Street Network Vision within RMUD and connectivity to Watertown consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Watertown Public Transit Task Force (WPTTF). Joe Levendusky, Facilitator

TOPICS: Green, Sustainable Building, Zoning Language. Gary Shaw, Presenter

No. 4 – Monday, Jan. 25, LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED, Time: 6:45-9 p.m.

TOPICS: Open meeting for residents to talk about what we didn’t have time to cover, what we’ve learned, how the RMUD Zoning Amendments relate to the Comprehensive Plan, to develop concrete questions, and to recommend changes to the RMUD document.

Also, the town and Boylston Properties (owners of the former Arsenal Mall) will host the second meeting on the proposed RMUD on Saturday, Jan. 16 at 10 a.m. in the Innovation Space near Old Navy.

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