One thought on “Council Subcommittee Rules on RMUD Borders, Passes on Affordable Housing

  1. Thank you Charlie for covering the RMUD TC subcommittee meeting on 2/23. I would like to clarify my comments relative to the Watertown Housing Partnership (WHP) recommendation to increase the affordable housing requirement to 15% in the proposed special RMUD zone.

    My understanding was that given the significance of affordable housing in Watertown the subcommittee voted to move the WHP recommendation forward for consideration by the whole Town Council (rather than make a subcommittee recommendation at that time).

    In addition, part of the discussion included the suggestion from DCDP staff that “while they agree with the sentiment of increasing affordable housing [requirements] that, perhaps, it should be implemented Town-wide as it might [otherwise] create an unfair advantage in the marketplace”. My response to that comment was that zoning by its very nature (i.e. providing for different districts, uses and requirements, etc.) creates uneven playing fields

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