Public Invited to Forum on Bicycle Safety

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Bike Safety Forum Flyer

The public is invited to a forum on bicycle safety being hosted by Massachusetts legislators on Feb. 23.

The public forum on Massachusetts bicycle safety will focus specifically on large vehicle/cyclist crashes.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that large vehicles (buses and trucks) are responsible for a disproportionate number of fatal crashes. The forum will bring together diverse stakeholder groups to build consensus around state legislative solutions to make cycling safer.

The forum will be held at Suffolk University in Boston, 120 Tremont Street, 1st Floor Function Room on Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016 from 6-8:30 p.m.


6-6:30 p.m. – Food and socializing

6:30-7 p.m. – Introductions by the legislators and brief presentations by stakeholders on efforts they are taking to make cycling safer:

  • Stefanie Seskin, Active Transportation Director for the Boston Transportation Department
  • Cara Seiderman, Transportation Program Manager, Community Development Department, City of Cambridge
  • Joe Barr, Director, Traffic, Parking & Transportation, Cambridge of Cambridge
  • Anne Lynch, Executive Director, MMTA (Massachusetts Motor Transportation Association)
  • James O’Brien, President, Carmen’s Local 589
  • Dave Carney, MBTA Director of Bus Operations

7-8 p.m. – Breakout Sessions. Facilitated discussions about ideas for state legislative action to make cycling safer.

Likely topics for discussion: Blocking Bike Lanes, Marked Bicycle, Facilities Crossing, Truck Side Guards, Safe Passing Distance, Drivers Education, Cyclist Education, Lower Speed Limits, Data, Enforcement, and Design.

8-8:30 p.m. – Report back and presentation of next steps by the legislators.

For more information go to

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