Rescheduled RMUD Hearing Coming Up on Wednesday

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A map showing the RMUD buffer zones protecting the Charles River. The red lines show the town's 100 foot buffer zone, the light blue show the 200 no-build zone under state laws.

A map showing the RMUD buffer zones protecting the Charles River. The red lines show the town's 100 foot buffer zone, the light blue show the 200 no-build zone under state laws.

A map showing the RMUD buffer zones protecting the Charles River. The red lines show the town’s 100 foot buffer zone, the light blue show the 200 no-build zone under state laws.

The long awaited hearing on the proposed changes to Watertown’s zoning for the east side of Arsenal Street near the malls will finally occur on Wednesday.

The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the Watertown High School Auditorium, and will include both the Town Council and the Planning Board.

The proposal would majorly overhaul of the zoning rules for the area near the east end of Arsenal Street, including the town’s two malls, along with other properties on Arsenal Street, plus parts of Elm Street and Coolidge Avenue. Basically, it would change the zoning form industrial to mixed use, which allows for residential, commercial and office project.

The proposal also calls for allowing building higher than the 55-f00t limit, and could go as high as 1o stories or 130 feet. Some protections have been put in place around natural areas and open space such as the Charles River and the Community Path.

Major projects, such as the proposed renovation of the Arsenal Mall, would require a master plan process where the overall project would need approval from the Planning Board, and then each building would be brought forward to make sure it fits into the approved vision.

The Amendment language and map are available for review in the office and on the website of the Department of Community Development and Planning.

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