Watertown High School Students “Kick Butts” at State House

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Five member of the Watertown Youth Coalition Peer Leaders joined in Kick Butts Day 2016 in Boston on March 16.

Five member of the Watertown Youth Coalition Peer Leaders joined in Kick Butts Day 2016 in Boston on March 16.

Five member of the Watertown Youth Coalition Peer Leaders joined in Kick Butts Day 2016 in Boston on March 16.

A group of students from Watertown High School students went to Boston last week to join a march to express their concern about the marketing and availability of tobacco products.

On March 16, 2016 five Watertown Youth Coalition Peer Leaders joined the 84 Movement in a Kick Butts Day march to the State House in Boston, to speak with their legislators and “spread awareness about the Big Tobacco and their sneaky tactics of targeting youth,” said WHS student Shanesha Christmas.

Members of the Watertown Youth Coalition met with State Sen. Will Brownsberger at the State House to talk about tobacco marketing and availability.

Members of the Watertown Youth Coalition met with State Sen. Will Brownsberger at the State House to talk about tobacco marketing and availability.

The Peer Leaders spoke with, State Sen. William Brownsberger, State Rep. Jon Hecht, and State Rep. John Lawn’s aide about their concerns of tobacco products being Cheap, Sweet and Easy to get, Christmas said.

The Watertown High School students met with State Rep. Jon Hecht and an aide for State Rep. John Lawn when they visited the State House.

The Watertown High School students met with State Rep. Jon Hecht when they visited the State House.

The Peer Leaders were excited that they had a chance to have their voices heard about their concerns in their community.

Find out more about the 84 Movement on its website, http://the84.org/

The Watertown Youth Coalition students pose with Emily Izzo, aide for State Rep. John Lawn.

The Watertown Youth Coalition students pose with Emily Izzo, aide for State Rep. John Lawn.

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