Veterans Agent Looking for WWII, Korean War Vets for Free Trip to Washington

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Veterans Agent Mark Comeiro seeks veterans from Watertown to join an all-expense paid Honor Flight to Washington D.C. to see the World War II and Korean War memorials and see other sights. 

Comeiro is looking for people to join the trip in September. The deadline is approaching fast, however, so interested veterans must sign up by Monday, April 25. Veterans or family members can come down to the Veterans Services Office in Town Hall, 149 Main St. in Watertown during business hours or call Mark Comeiro at 617-972-6416.

Honor Flight New England was started in 2009 by Joe Byron, a New Hampshire resident when the group joined the national Honor Flight network. He wanted to give veterans a special day in Washington and honor them.

Comeiro said the day starts early, leaving town at about 5 a.m. and returns at about 10 a.m., with plenty of activities during the day, with all expenses paid, including food.

“It is quite a send off. They get a police escort to the airport, and in DC or at BWI (outside Baltimore) they are met by a military welcome group,” Comeiro said.

The group will tour the memorials, and visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Veterans can join other activities, too.

Originally the Honor Flights were for those who served in World War II, but recently they were opened up to Korean War vets, too. World War II vets get priority, so they are guaranteed until the flight is filled. If there is room left the Korean War veterans can also join the trip, Comeiro said.

“We are trying to get as many veterans as we can get,” Comeiro said. “I am hoping to get five or six.”

For more information go to

Also, see Comeiro’s recent interview on Watertown Cable by clicking here.

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