Future Direction of the Watertown Community Path to be Discussed

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The Town Council’s Public Works Committee and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee will talk about the designs for linking the Community Path in the Watertown Square area on Thursday night. 

Currently the path runs east to west from Arlington Street, behind the Watertown Mall, and onto School Street. From there it runs along Arsenal Street and will end at Irving Street after the new apartments are built on Arsenal Street.

On the other side of town, the Community Path starts up again behind Town Hall and goes to Waverley Avenue and continues near Moxley Park. However, there is no direct link between the two sections.

There are a few options for link, with scenarios focusing on the areas east and west of  Watertown Square.

On the east side, it would either run along the former railroad east of Mt. Auburn Street and connect to Mt. Auburn Street on Taylor Street. The other continues along Arsenal Street to Taylor Street. (See the maps here).

To the west, there are several options with the path going along the current parking area on Baptist Walk (between Mt. Auburn and Spring streets). Then it would go through the municipal parking lot behind CVS, then either along Winter Street or the small stretch of parking a half block toward Main Street. Finally it would go through the parking lot of the Watertown Free Public Library. (See the options here).

The meeting begins at 6:15 p.m. in the Council Chamber on the second floor of Town Hall, 149 Main Street in Watertown.

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