Charlie Breitrose
The Watertown Boys & Girls Club auction drew a big crowd last week.
The annual Watertown Boys & Girls Club auction drew around 250 people last Thursday evening, when the raised money for the summer camp and honored some people who have helped the club over the years.
The ballroom at the Oakley Country Club was hopping with people chatting, and bidding on the silent auction. Later they had a live auction with some bigger auction.
Executive Director Renee Gaudette said the turnout was better than previous years.
“We had 160 last year,” Gaudette said. “We are honoring Joyce Munger, and her whole family is here. Also, Anthony LaMacchia is one of the lead sponsors, and he brings his whole group.”
Gaudette expected to raise about $60,000 in the evening.
“It raises money for camp scholarships,” Gaudette said.
Munger, one of the founders of the Boys and Girls Club, passed away last fall. Her son Rick Munger said he remembers going to the construction site when the clubhouse was being built on Whites Avenue.
His mother and father were both heavily involved with the club.
“They both helped come up with the first golf tournament,” Munger said. “Originally it was a celebrity golf tournament. They had Bruins players and Red Sox players come.
“My mother was involved right up to the end on the board of directors. She came up with some great ideas.”
The club also honored longtime supporter Malcom Whitney, who recently passed away.
Also recognized was outgoing Board of Directors President Paul DerBoghosian. He has been on the board for 12 years, the last two as president.
“(Former Club Executive Director) Allen Gallagher asked me to join. My term as Rotary President was just ending and he asked me if I wanted to come onto this board,” DerBoghosian said. “Of all the boards in town, I think the Watertown Boys & Girls Club serves the community best because it serves the children.”
As president, he made it one of his goals to make the board operate more professionally.
“I made the board become more proactive,” DerBoghosian said. “I like to think I turned it into an action taking board.”
DerBoghosian will be succeeded by Mark Tardiff.
Find out more about the Watertown Boys & Girls Club at watertownbgc.org or on Facebook.