Mark Wahlberg Shoots Scene from ‘Patriots Day’ at Watertown Gas Station

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Charlie Breitrose

Actor Mark Wahlberg drives out of the Main Street Mobile station during a scene in the upcoming movie "Patriots Day."

Actor Mark Walhberg drives out of the Main Street Mobile station during a scene in the upcoming movie "Patriots Day."

Charlie Breitrose

Actor Mark Wahlberg drives out of the Main Street Mobile station during a scene in the upcoming movie “Patriots Day.”

The crowd gathered across the Main Street had a hard time seeing who was the focus of all the cameras and bright lights, but when the unmistakable voice rang out, it was clear it was Boston’s own Mark Wahlberg – star of the Boston Marathon Bombing film “Patriots Day.”

In the scene that was being shot on Monday night, Wahlberg rushes out of the gas station and yells about something going on in “Watertown.” Then he jumped into a silver sedan and peels out of the gas station and headed east on Main Street.

The Main Street Mobile gas station at Main Street and Waverley Avenue stood in for a gas station in Cambridge. The police cars parked in front bore Cambridge Police name, not Watertown.

Mark Wahlberg, left of the car, shoots a scene from "Patriots Day" at a gas station on Main Street in Watertown.

Charlie Breitrose

Mark Wahlberg, left of the car, shoots a scene from “Patriots Day” at a gas station on Main Street in Watertown.

Cameras were visible inside the gas station, just outside shooting in the window, and there was one perched several stories high on a crane.

A crowd of onlookers packed the sidewalk in front of Ricci’s Liquor and a lucky few watch from the sidewalk just to the side of the gas station.

Wahlberg plays a police officer who is an amalgamation of several real people.

The scene may become part the Hollywood version of the Boston Marathon Bombings and the aftermath. The movie is scheduled to come out around Christmas 2016.

Patriots Day is also supposed to be shooting at the old Police Station later this month. It was scheduled to shoot there on Friday, but was delayed due to the rain, according to a Watertown Police officer at Monday’s shoot.

A crowd filled the sidewalk in front of Ricci's Liquor on Main Street to watch the filming of Patriots Day.

Charlie Breitrose

A crowd filled the sidewalk in front of Ricci’s Liquor on Main Street to watch the filming of Patriots Day.

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