Owners of two-family homes in Watertown got a nasty surprise in their tax bills this year, with the rate jumping nearly 8.5 percent, but the Chairman of the Board of Assessors said they won’t see that same increase next year.
Francis Golden appeared before the Town Council for his budget hearing Thursday night and said because prices have leveled, the tax rates will remain much more stable for owners of two-families.
“Two-families went through the roof in calendar 2014 but they are flat in 2015,” Golden said, meaning the tax rate should remain stable when the rates are set in the fall.
Other types of residential property will have different rates, Golden said. Two-family homes that have been converted into condominiums are classified as condos, not two-families, Golden said.
Single family homes went down this year nearly 5 percent. Next year, they will likely see an increase next year because of rising prices, but Golden said the increase will not be like the increase two-family home owners saw this year.
The Assessor’s office has seen a large number of requests for abatement on tax bills. Many received some relief. He added that the increase would not have occurred for those homes if owners had allowed representatives from the Assessor’s office to get into the homes.
“He puts a bright green knocker on your door,” Golden said. ” He is available at your convenience.”
Homes that have not updated kitchens and bathrooms or with unfinished basements will not be assessed as highly as those that have, Golden said.
Golden added that people should make sure, if they live in the home that they own, they should apply for the residential exemption, which will reduce their bills.
For more information on tax rates, abatements and residential exemptions click here.